APCC BRIDGE Summer Camp 2023 – A Parent’s Perspective

By Chen Hui Min
5 March 2023 was a memorable day for us… it was the day we received a text confirming that our son, Corban, had been selected to be a junior ambassador of the Asian Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) Bridge Summer Camp. Together with three other Singaporeans, he would spend 10 days in Fukuoka, Japan, with junior ambassadors representing more than 40 countries.
Every year, the Japanese Cultural Society, as the liaison office for APCC in Singapore, sends four children to participate in the Asian Pacific Children’s Convention BRIDGE Summer Camp in Fukuoka, Japan. JCS, together with BRIDGE CLUB @ Singapore, hosts the APCC delegation from Fukuoka once every three years.
The months that followed were exciting. The children met together to bond, plan their souvenirs, rehearse their performances, and prepare themselves for the trip.
As the trip drew near, hesitation and worries set in. Corban had never travelled overseas on his own. Would he be all right?
The fears soon proved to be completely unfounded. The 10 days at Fukuoka turned out to be most amazing for Corban.
He learnt to emerge from his comfort zone, learn independence, and be apart from his family for the first time. He met the junior ambassadors from different countries, talked to them, exchanged contacts, and built friendships. He learnt the language, tried delectable foods, saw different places, adapted to new surroundings, and was immersed in the beautiful culture – both ancient and modern - of Japan.
There were no fears, anxieties, apprehensions, or homesickness. Corban and his friends were so well looked after by their hospitable hosts that, they felt right at home. In fact, when the time came for their departure, not a few tears were shed.
The APCC Bridge Summer Camp was a marvelous experience for those who went. The icing on the cake, however, was the opportunity to be part of the APCC Challenge Trip 2024, just eight months after their trip to Fukuoka.
In March 2024, the same families were given the opportunity to be involved again, as host families to the visiting Japanese children. As providence would have it, Corban was asked to host Takemaru, his host buddy in Fukuoka! We could finally repay the debt we owed – which flowed not from obligation but gratitude for the care Takemaru’s family showed to Corban. We brought Takemaru around our delightful island and filled his itinerary with food, fun and fieldtrips. What was most precious was the fortifying of friendship between the boys and their families.
Being an APCC junior ambassador has greatly piqued Corban’s interest in Japan and her culture. He has been reading up on Japan and intends to start language classes once his final exams are over. Corban exchanges frequent emails with Takemaru and his family. He is in touch with the junior ambassadors from the other countries as well. We do not know how long they would keep in contact, but what we do know, is that their lives have been made richer because of the APCC.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore (JCS) and the liaison officer, Mr David Chow, the chaperon, Ms Leow Hwee Fen, the APCC office in Fukuoka, Japan, as well as their staff and volunteers, without whom, none of these would have been possible. We acknowledge that we are a beneficiary of the wonderful vision of APCC that started since 1989. We hope it would continue to be a blessing to many, and to fuel in them, the same ethos and aspirations of the programme.
APCC ブリッジサマーキャンプ 2023 – 保護者の声
チェン フイミンさん