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My Love for Music and Japanese

By Caleb Ho

My passion for singing has always been a central part of my life. I was a choir member at my church for many years. In 2011, during the reunion with my secondary schoolmates, I reconnected with Gim Cheng, a long-time member of the JCS choir, who introduced me to this vibrant community.

Since I had worked in NEC Semiconductors, a Japanese company, in the early years of my career, my interest in Japanese language and culture from that time had remained. I eagerly signed up for the JCS choir audition. I was thrilled to join the choir as a tenor member, despite my limited knowledge of Japanese.

To help me with the pronunciation and understanding of the song lyrics in Japanese Hiragana, Gim Cheng provided me with a handout on basic Hiragana. This was invaluable for my choir practice. Under the guidance of Ms. Nami Utada, who has been an exceptional teacher and conductor, I thoroughly enjoyed learning and performing traditional Japanese songs, even though I might not have fully understood the meaning of the lyrics. I dedicated my time to listening to each piece multiple times before practice and made a point to attend every rehearsal. As a result of my involvement in the choir, I found that singing was a wonderful way to relieve work stress.

Occasionally, when other tenors were absent, I would sing solo, albeit nervously. Ms. Utada’s patience and dedication were remarkable; she would often stay behind to conduct extra lessons for those who needed additional practice.

One of the most fulfilling experiences has been singing harmoniously with the choir, creating beautiful music together. Over the years, we have performed numerous songs at various events, culminating in the significant milestone of JCS Choir's 50th anniversary celebration in 2014.

In 2018, the choir embarked on a memorable journey to Yamaguchi, Japan, where we performed a wide range of songs. Prior to this, we also had the opportunity to perform at the Singapore Sports Hub for a Japanese cultural event. The rehearsals and performances in Japan remain unforgettable highlights of my choir experience.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges, with physical practices halted from March 2020. However, we adapted by holding virtual rehearsals via Zoom, which proved to be both innovative and enjoyable. Thankfully, with the easing of social distancing measures in June 2022, we resumed in-person practices. I cherish each rehearsal and continue to take every lesson seriously, even as some members have left the choir. I have introduced friends to the choir, and they too have found joy in this musical journey.

Looking ahead, I believe that singing not only enhances my voice but also contributes to my overall well-being. The experience has been deeply rewarding, and I look forward to many more years of music with the JCS choir.

私の名前はカレブ・ホ―と言って、私の歌への情熱はいつも人生の中心にあります。長い間、私は教会のコーラス部のメンバーでしたが、2011年の中学校の同窓会でギム・チェンさんに再会して、彼が長い間JCSコーラス部の会員であることを知り、そして、彼はこの活気の ある団体を私に紹介してくれました。

私は若い頃は日本の会社-NEC半導体で働いていたので、日本語と文化に対する興味は結構ありました。そこで、私は熱意を持って、JCS コーラス部のオーディションに応募しました。日本語の知識が少ない私にとって、テノールとしてコーラスに参加することはとてもドキドキしました。



コーラス部の活動の中で最も充実した経験と言えば、美しい音楽と一緒にハモりながら歌うことだと思います。長い間、色々なイベントでたくさんの歌を歌ってきましたが、その中でも、2014年のJCS コーラス部50周年記念祝典は最高潮だったと自負しております。2018年にコーラス部は日本の山口県を訪ねて、幅広いジャンルの曲を歌いました。それに先立って、日本の文化イベントでシンガポールのスポーツハブで歌う機会もありました。日本でリハーサルをして本番を迎えたことは、私のコーラス体験の中でも、1・2位を争う忘れられない思い出となりました。

2020年の3月から新型コロナ肺炎が流行したことで、対面の練習は止めざるを得ませんでした。それでも私達は、革新的で楽しいzoom を使ったバーチャルのリハーサルを試してみたりしました。2022年の6月にソーシャルディスタンスの規制が緩められたことをきっかけに、また対面の練習を再開しました。途中で何人かのメンバーがコーラス部をやめてしまったりしましたが、私はすべてのリハーサルやレッスンを真面目に取り組み続けています。友達にもコーラス部を紹介して、彼らもまた、音楽の旅を楽しんでいます。



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