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Message from President of the Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore

Professor Lai Ah Keow

The Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore

The Japanese Cultural Society Singapore (JCS) celebrates her 60th Anniversary this year. The Society has progressed with the nation over the past 60 years, growing from strength to strength and transforming herself into a major player in Japanese language teaching. She has expanded her reach and influence to contribute toward a deeper appreciation of the Japanese culture in Singapore.

Over the past six decades, JCS has provided Japanese Language lessons to Singaporeans from all walks of life, including working adults, teens and the elderly. To date, a record of more than 40,000 students have graduated from the various courses – ranging from elementary to advanced levels conducted by JCS.

JCS has also provided many opportunities for Japanese cultural exposure and appreciation through her many programs and activities. These include the annual cultural festivals, daiko, kimono dressing demonstrations and shows, karaoke singing competitions and choral concerts, Japanese musical instruments and dance performances, and many other cultural activities. JCS is also a co-organizer of the annual Japanese Speech Contest with the Japan Association, Singapore; and the Asia-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) international exchange program in Fukuoka, Japan.

As a testament to her contribution and achievement in Japanese Language teaching and learning, the JCS is authorized by the Japan Foundation to administer the international Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) to conduct the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), in Singapore.

Our progress and achievement would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our dedicated members, the tremendous support from the Japan Embassy, the Japanese Association and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Singapore, Japanese and local corporations, as well as our local community.

Moving forward, the Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore will build on the solid foundation laid by our visionary pioneers, to elevate teaching practice using emerging educational and economic trends, and reach out to a wider audience for the furtherance of the Society’s vision to deepen friendship and ties between the people of Singapore and Japan.


Copyrights © 2024. Japanese Cultural Society (JCS), Singapore

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