Message from His Excellency, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Japan

His Excellency Mr.
Ong Eng Chuan
Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Japan
I extend my heartiest congratulations to the Japanese Cultural Society in Singapore on your 60th anniversary. Your dedication to fostering cultural exchange has contributed significantly to Singapore’s cultural landscape.
Singapore and Japan enjoy close and longstanding relations, underpinned by robust economic ties and extensive people-to-people exchanges. Japan is among Singapore’s top 10 trading partners, and Singapore is Japan’s top Asian investor. Our exchanges span all levels. We have frequent high-level visits and exchanges between political leaders and government officials on both sides. Our students participate actively in initiatives such as the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) and Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Programme (SSEAYP), through which they broaden their understanding of Japan and build ties with their peers in Japan. Almost 600,000 travellers from Singapore visited Japan in 2023, which is almost 15% of Singapore’s resident population. These underscore the positive impression that many Singaporeans have of Japan.
The Japanese Cultural Society of Singapore has undoubtedly contributed to our strong people-to-people relations by enhancing mutual understanding, including through Japanese language classes offered by the JCS Japanese Language School. I wish the Japanese Cultural Society many more years of success.