Brief History of Japanese Cultural Society (JCS)

The Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore (JCS)
By Chang Sieh Yong
Principal, The JCS Japanese Language School
On 25 March 1963, a group of like-minded people who were interested in Japanese culture, met at the Federation of Boys Club under the encouragement of Mr. Akira Kobayashi, then Cultural Attache of Japan Consulate-General. An organising committee, including the late Dr L.Y Lai and the late Mr. Loke Hong Wai, was formed with the aim of incorporating a society to pursue their common interest. The Singapore Japan Cultural Society was born and this was subsequently known as the Japanese Cultural Society (JCS), Singapore. The 1st General Committee was elected on 26 April 1964 and JCS was officially registered on 26 August 1964 with the Registrar of Societies in Singapore.
The founding principle of JCS was to promote cultural exchange, goodwill and understanding between Singapore and Japan, and to promote friendly cooperation between the people and businesses of the two nations. Initially, JCS operated from a rental premises at the Orchard Road area, and it only had sufficient space to conduct three Japanese language classes with 45 students. In 1981, JCS acquired its current premises in Middle Road. Apart from administration offices, the current premises is equipped with a library and Japanese tea ceremony room, and has the capacity to hold 50 classes annually.
Throughout the years, as a cultural centre, JCS has been organising various activities such as Daiko (Japanese drums), choir, karaoke, kimono fashion, tea ceremony, Japanese creative arts (origami and chirimen) and calligraphy. Such activities are organised within JCS. JCS has also actively participated in many Japan and Japanese related events and functions such as the Japanese Speech Contest and the Asian Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) Program in Fukuoka prefecture.
Incidentally, the JCS Suwa Daiko team is very honoured to have been invited to perform at the award-winning Japanese musician Kitaro’s concert ‘The Best of Kitaro World Tour - Live in Singapore 2024’. This was held at the Sands Theatre at Marina Bay Sands on 25 & 26 June 2024.
The majority of the active participants in JCS’ cultural activities are our Society members, existing students or graduates of JCS Japanese Language School, and their friends and family members. Moving forward, JCS hopes to attract more new members, especially those from the younger generation, to participate in our various activities and functions.
1963年3月25日、日本国総領事館文化担当官であった小林昭氏の招聘により、日本文化に関心を持つ有志グループが少年クラブ連盟に集まりました。 故L.Y.ライ博士、故ロク・ホン・ワイ氏らによる組織委員会が結成され、日本文化への造詣を深めることを目的とした協会を設立することを目的に定めました。こうしてThe Singapore Japan Cultural Societyが誕生し、後にthe Japanese Cultural Society (JCS), Singaporeとして知られるようになりました。1964年4月26日、初代理事会が選出され、JCSは同年8月26日にシンガポールの社団法人として正式に登録されました。
JCSの御諏訪太鼓チームは、グラミー賞など数々の受賞歴がある日本の演奏家、喜多郎のコンサート『The Best of Kitaro World Tour - Live in Singapore 2024』に招かれ、演奏を行うという名誉も得ました。このコンサートは2024年6月25日、26日にマリーナ・ベイ・サンズのサンズ・シアターで開催されました。