JCS Japanese Language School

The JCS Japanese Language School was officially formed and registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore in 1982. The school was formed under the umbrella of JCS which strongly believes that learning the Japanese language is the gateway to the appreciation of Japanese culture, thus fostering the cooperation and friendship between Japan and Singapore.
The founding principle and inspiration for the formation of the JCS Japanese Language School has never changed. In fact, the school has always been one of the main pillars among the various activities administered by JCS. Our Japanese courses range from elementary to advanced levels with evening classes on weekdays and day classes on weekends. This is to cater to the needs of students from all walks of life including working adults, school-going students, homemakers and even senior retirees. Some of our students learn the language for work requirements. But a large number pick up the Japanese language because of personal interest. Such interest may include Japanese culture, food, tourism, pop songs and enka (traditional Japanese music), TV programs and dramas, anime (animation originating in Japan) and even cosplay in recent years.
To date, more than 40,000 students have graduated from the various courses run by JCS. Besides, JCS administers the worldwide Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and conducts the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) in Singapore.
In recent years, the school has also started to organize short-term Japanese language programs for MOE-run primary schools. From a humble beginning of about 100 pupils enrolling and benefiting from such programs, the number has since doubled over the past few years.
During the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022, our regular Japanese classes were disrupted like all other organisations in Singapore. The school implemented various control and preventive measures such as on-line classes, limitation of class numbers and safe distancing in classroom settings. The annual graduation ceremony also had to be temporarily halted. This was unprecedented in the history of JCS but we responded to the challenge well. We were fortunate not to have any Covid outbreak during the entire pandemic. Following the Singapore government’s announcement of the end of the pandemic in 2022, the school has since progressively resumed all physical classroom activities.
Moving forward, JCS intends to incorporate more elements of Japanese culture and society into the language courses to cultivate, enhance and expand students’ continual interest. From the industry perspective, JCS will increase courses which are targeted at helping students to achieve JLPT proficiency for their job advancement. As for the educational aspect, JCS will try to explore and expand more areas of collaboration with MOE-run schools in order to motivate school-going pupils to learn and appreciate the richness and uniqueness of Japanese culture and society from young. Hopefully, this learning will carry on into their adulthood and will be extended to Singapore society at large.
Fostering the relationship between Japan and Singapore and promoting interest in learning the Japanese language and culture is a long journey which requires consistent and tenacious effort and momentum to continue the hard work.